Saturday, January 1, 2011

11 Blankets in 2011, or 1+1 Blankets in my case!

So my friend Mio of, who is like an insanely fast/amazing crocheter, is doing 11 Blankets in 2011, I thought I'd attempt to join in.  Only, there is no way I could ever knit 11 blankets!  So, instead, I'm going to attempt 2.  I think I've only ever knit one blanket in my entire life, so this isn't going to be easy for me!

I actually have plans for many blankets, so we'll see what I end up with.

One :: Beige Throw

I have some Debbie Bliss Chunky merino wool in beige.  It was supposed to be a wedding gift for one of my closest university friends when she got married back in 2006, but like 3 days after I ordered the yarn I got an email from her to the wedding guests requesting no physical gifts... So that cut that plan down.

I have enough for a throw, and I really really want to knit something with it.  I have a pattern all picked out - Burridge Lake Aran Afghan - but I'm not sure I actually have enough for a small version of it.  All those damn cables really suck up yarn. And it's huge as well, requiring something like 3,000 yards!! I only have 1,500 yards or so. Leaving me unsure how much I could do. But I could likely do the outer panels I like, and just pick a smaller inner panel.

Thing is, I don't actually know who I would give this to! doh.

Two :: Brown and Orange Octopus Blanket

I was given some very retro brown and orange yarn as a wedding gift.  I'm pretty sure there's enough for a child sized blanket.  When I was looking around on Ravelry for what to DO with it, I found an intarsia pattern for an Octopus, and I just thought it would make an excellent centre to a blanket. I'm not sure how I want to knit it.  I'm thinking either log cabin rectangles around the octopus, or garter stitch squares in varying directions. The yarn is too multi-coloured to make it worthwhile to do anything but texture patterns.  Besides, garter stitch is nice and fluffy, perfect for a blanket.

My other thought was to do a lion instead, like this:


This I am planning to knit for Cooper, one of my nephews via my husband. I thought Lion because Cooper was born at the end of July, and is thus a Leo.....

Though if I knit him something, I really need to knit something for Callum, the other nephew, and that won't be easy.  I offered to knit him a blanket, and got turned down by his parents. I only other thing I could knit him is clothes, and I'm terrified to knit him clothes because:
(a) I don't have a clue what size he is (and even if I had a size that doesn't tell me measurements!), and
(b) I have terrible luck knitting for little people.

Three :: Wedding Gift Blanket

Two of our friends are getting married (to each other) this summer, and although we won't be invited to the wedding (it's a money thing, not a they don't love us enough thing), I really want to make them something. And I thought this would be perfect:

It's LionBrand's Cable Comfort Throw in their Wool-Ease Thick & Quick yarn. Hopefully it would be a nice fast knit, and also not freak out anyone's skin due to the high acrylic content.  I'm thinking eggplant for the colour, so a purple just a bit darker than this....  I'm not sure though. I want to ask, but I also want it to be a surprise. doh.

Four :: Minimalist Log Cabin Blanket

I also want to knit myself a blanket.  While looking for blanket ideas on Ravelry, I found this:

Minimalist log cabin blanket

It was love at first sight! I want one just the same, or at least close. I just love the colours! I don't even like garter stitch!  I find it hard to do even.  And yet this blanket calls to me.  It says, "Knit me! Love me! Buy a couch so I may adorn it! Knit me now woman! Now! Now! Now! Don't you want to feel my soft yarn slip through your fingers? Don't you want to marvel as I grow, block by block, square by square? You do... So knit me! Knit me now!"  It's a demanding blanket.... lol

I'm honestly not sure which ones I'll get done.... We shall see, I guess?

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