Sunday, June 27, 2010

This is not fucking happening.

I get a sinus infection. I try to ignore it. I know what will happen if I take antibiotics. Nine weeks of hell later I give in. I take the damned antibiotics.

I get the yeast infection from hell. Seriously. Ow. I get THRUSH, okay, I almost get thrush. Some probiotic yogurt headed it off. I take the damned 7 day yeast infection treatment. I'm still yeasty!! And I get a fucking urinary tract infection!!!!

Do you know how they treat UTIs? That's riiight. With fucking antibiotics! And my doctor won't give me anything for the yeast except the cream you shove up your v-hole. And that is only going to get me right back where I started with another fucking UTI.

I'm not taking it this time. I can't. I can't fucking do this again. I just can't. This hurts. Damnit. It's not "unpleasant"; it fucking HURTS. I'm in pain here.

And I'm angry. I'm SO fucking angry. Men don't have to put up with this shit. Why won't my doctor give me something else? I know there is something else gods fucking damnit, and I want it. I can't fucking take this. I can't get yet ANOTHER fucking infection because of my stupid short urethra, and these damn yeast killing drugs! I need the yeast gone damnit. GONE! And the OTC stuff didn't even work this time! And the fucking OTC external cream is what's got me in this UTI mess in the first place!



Sometimes I really fucking hate being a women. Not only are our bodies defective, but doctors don't even fucking listen to us. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.

I hate this. I hate this so much I just want to scream.

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