I can't believe it's been sooooo long since I've talked about/shown off my knitting! It's not like I haven't been knitting; I
have! Doh.
Here it is
May 2009, and I realise I've not shown you
anything since last summer!!
Time to set things right!
September 2008[one]I knit Sushi! And even made it a little bento box to complete the look. I didn't have/use any patterns, I just went by pictures I found on the internet. I knit this as a birthday gift for a friend that
loves sushi. I'm incredibly proud of how it all turned out.

Especailly the Ginger Rose:
[Two]I knit a sweater and hat set for Chris' newest nephew, Cooper. I used
Knitty's Trellis pattern, but modified it a little, and designed or unvented as EZ would say, a hat to go with it. I knit this in Mission Falls Supwerwash wool. It was my first time working with it, but certainly not my last! It was
such a pleasure to knit with! And to touch! There just aren't words for how soft and luxurious this yarn is! And it's soooo reasonably priced too!

Cooper's mommy, and her mommy both loved it! She even took pictures of him in it later in the fall! I was thrilled. I got to see him in it too, when Mommy and son came to visit in January. It looked soo cute on him! :D I love seeing things fit, and mommy's happy with my work. It makes it all worth while when my work is appreciated, I tell you what.
October 2008[three]I knit a Jester's Hat, and matching mittens for Chris'other nephew, Callum, for his first bday. I've only met Callum once, when he was 5 months old. I had
no idea how big to make either the mits or the hat. So I guessed. I found 'averages' online, and guessed somewhere in the middle. I made the mittens in the smallest size pattern I could find, and hoped they'd be small enough (the pattern said it was for 2-4 year olds, so I made them a little shorter and hoped it would be enough). Lots of hope went into this one. Lots of fretting. I'm happy with how they turned out though. I think they were cute as could be.
Seen here being moddeled by my teddy bear, Shakespere.
Sadly, I have no idea how they fit/if they really ever fit as my numerous requests to know were never answered. :( Not even a thank you. *sigh* I figured if they were too big when he got them he'd likely grow into them by the end of winter. They live in Montreal, winters are long there. I
think he did grow into them. I hope he got to wear them... But like I said, I don't know as they never said boo to me about it. Very unsatisfactroy ending for me. Only stealed my opinion that knitting for children should be avoided!
November 2008[four]Sweater Curse Defeated!!Finally, I finished Chris' sweater! Just in time for hime to wear it to my Family's Christmas party. I was as proud as any peacock! It's
perfect! Or at least as perfect as I could get it. Once I saw him in it, and saw him smile, tearing out that one damn sleeve
seven times was worth it. It fit like a glove! He looks so smashing in it too, I think, anyway.
December 2008[five]Suprise Christmas knitting! I didn't think I was going to knit anything for Christmas, then I got the bright idea to knit slippers for Emyele, Cooper's mommy, and send her a kind of 'comfort' package. I based the size of the slippers on my feet since, from all the pictures I could find on Facebook of Emyele, she looked to be about my height. Again, I hoped I was gussing right. I unvented a pattern for the slippers since I couldn't find what I wanted. I knit them in a lovely grey wool blend that was machine washable. I was tickled pink with the result. Just what I envisioned.

Me modellingThey kinda remind me of Medival boots - something I didn't realise until I put them on. They were nice and warm too! They were also stretchy, so hopefully if her feet were bigger or smaller they'd still fit. Once again, I have no clue how they fit as I never got an answer. *sigh* I guess that means they were either not liked, or didn't fit. Very disappointing, but what can you do right? Mope. That's what I do!
[six]I had a migraine one day in December, the kind that makes me feel like I'm losing my mind.
That kind of pain. To distract myself I was on Ravelry pattern searching and found this pattern (Goldfish, I believe it's called) while looking for something else entirely. It made me smile. I
had to make one. It was my bright spot through the pain. And now I loves him. My little Dope Fish.

I was so amused by my little fishie that I brought him home to show my mom. Both my parents got a kick out of him. He made them laugh and smile too. He's a charmer, my little Dope Fish. They always seem so impressed that I can knit things like that. heh. Anyway, my Pa suggested it would be a good toy for a baby since he has little fins that little baby hands could grab on to.
When I heard that Emyele was bringing Cooper to come meet Chris' family, I knew I had to knit one for him. I figured, even if he wasn't too interested in him, at least Emyele might get a kick out of him. I didn't take pictures of the second one. They are nearly identical. And frankly I finished him like the day before we went to meet Emyele and Cooper. I had
just enough yarn in the same ball I used for mine to make Coopers. I was a couple yards away from not having enough. It was very nerve wracking as it I was knitting the fins on, I tell you what.
[seven]For New Years, Chris and I went to a Silly Hat New Years Eve party at a friends house. The idea was we would all wear silly hats. I bought Chris a sombaro, I think they call them. He looked so so so amusing. I giggled and laughed and clapped like a school girl seeing him in it. I have to say though, I do think
mine was the silliest by far. I
knit a raw chicken in the form of a viking helmet!

Side ViewI cannot take credit for the idea at all. I found it on Ravelry. The pattern was a little vague in how to do the decreasing and how to do the drumsticks, so I had to kinda make it up as I went along. The earflap instructions were aces though, and I'm very glad for it as I had no clue how to make them. I think it came out wonderfully myself. Everyone at the party liked it too, so that made me all more pleased.
That was the last thing I knit in 2008. I actually finished it on Christmas eve on the bus to Hamilton. Hopefully sooner, rather than later, I will post about the sweater I made my mommy. It really is lovely, and I'm ever so proud of it. But for now, this post is long enough!