Monday, July 5, 2010


'Cause, you know, my life of housewifery is just so taxing. o.0 Nah, hardly, but even so, everyone needs a change of scene once in awhile!

A friend of mine asked if I'd like to join her in going to her dad's cottage for a few days this week. So excited! Lake! There will be a lake! woo hoo! Yes, yes, the lake, the swimming, the water is totally the highlight for me. Hopefully there will be good company, Morgan is a wonderful young lady, I'm sure that's covered, good food, and good weather - it's supposed to be warm, though rainy from Wednesday on. I'm okay with that, as long as it's still warm! Swimming in the rain is fun! You know, when there isn't chance of thunder and lightening. Canoeing in the rain likely not the best idea however. heh. But should be fun! I'm so stupid excited! It's likely why I didn't sleep so well last night. I was thinking of having a nap now, but, I'm too excited. My tummy is all upset/nervous-like. It's silly really, but there it is.

I'm bringing my camera, so hopefully there will be some kind of pictures to show for it!

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